Revolutionizing Seedling Production

We provide high-end seedlings to help vertical farms maximize their growing space.

About Us

Planteva is a Montreal-based agriculture technology company that grows seedlings in a controlled environment indoor farm.

The company is using existing Swedish technology (Plantvation Greenbox) developed for the forestry industry and adapting it to indoor horticulture.

green leaves inside a building
green leaves inside a building

By addressing challenges in conventional and indoor farming, Planteva presents a compelling and superior alternative to current industry practices & redefines the value of seedling production.

In Vertical Farm ABC's 10,000 sq. ft. farm, 20% of the floor space is dedicated to in-house seedling, planting, germination, and first-stage growth at a cost of *$0.25 per seedling. This creates an expensive cost centre for the vertical farm that shrinks revenue generating harvestable space to 80% with an immediate and negative impact on the farm’s bottom line.

a small green plant sprouts from the ground
a small green plant sprouts from the ground

Traditional vertical farming.

The Planteva way

Enter Planteva. Vertical Farm ABC, partnering with Planteva’s Seedling As A Service (SAAS) model, maintains 100% of its harvestable area for revenue generation by outsourcing seedling development to Planteva at the same *$0.25 cost. Planteva's advanced technology also enables Farm ABC to add at least one extra harvest per year through accelerated growing cycles. By outsourcing their seedling production to Planteva, Farm ABC can increase harvestable area by 25% and significantly increase their harvest yield, both of which are immediate boosts to the farm’s bottom line.

Market Approach & Proposition

In 2022 Statscan Canada recorded the production and sale of approximately 1.8 billion potted plants, cut flowers, ornamental bedding, and vegetable bedding plants. These figures enable us to estimate the potential market size for seedlings in Canada.
A modest 3% share of this substantial market represents a significant opportunity for Planteva, highlighting the potential financial impact of our strategic initiatives.

Space Efficiency and Cost Reduction

Seedling production occupies 10% to 20% of total space in controlled environment operations, significantly impacting expenses and requiring substantial investment in equipment.

Eliminating Phytosanitary Risks for Growers

Traditional greenhouse seedling production faces challenges due to phytosanitary risk, which diminishes seedling transferability to controlled environments. This limits opportunities for greenhouses in vertical farming.

Planteva’s SAAS model is unique in the indoor farming sector. It mitigates risks associated with conventional greenhouse growers, offering increased flexibility, and higher quality products.

Targeting Controlled Environment Farming

Value Proposition for Greenhouse Growers

The SAAS cost-effective production model positions Planteva to deliver superior quality seedlings at reduced overall cost. This value proposition holds significant appeal to greenhouse growers seeking efficiency without compromising on quality.


Market landscape

Planteva's strategic entry into Montreal's indoor farming scene is tactical with immediate gains for partner farms. Our promise is rooted in delivering:
While most of the things about the creative process will be forgotten, the excellence of our products and services will be remembered. 

  • Cost Efficiency - Planteva significantly reduces production costs, ensuring partners maximize profitability.

  • Instant Expansion - We offer partner farms an immediate increase in their production area.

  • Accelerated Crop Cycles - Planteva shortens crop rotation cycles, boosting yields and overall productivity.

With confirmed interest from three established farms in Montreal, Planteva is poised for success.

Plans include expanding into larger-scale operations in key Canadian markets and ultimately challenging conventional greenhouse giants in Ontario, British Columbia, and the US.

Planteva Triumphs

Greenhouse vs Greenbox

10:1 smaller footprint
3:1 energy efficiency
3:1 operating cost
19% faster growth
2:1 maintenance cost

Early Projections

Projections are based on a 20 year life cycle per Greenbox installation. Assuming a 12 year project (10 years at capacity) Planteva generates $10+ M$ of free cashflow based on a $4M equity investment.

With 10 installations (if we were to stop expanding), over 10 years of operations the project would generate 94 M $ of free cashflow with a DCF value of 107 M $

Please contact us for more information.